Season 5 of FOR HONOR Starts February 15th

On February 15 Fans of Ubisoft's PVP based game FOR HONOR will be releasing it's  5th season "The Age of Wolves" for the game. This time all the different factions have the same amount of core heroes to choose from so everyone is equal across the board. Players can expect a slew of new things in the game including gear, emotes, and executions that can all be earned through playing in the newest season.

Hardcore fans of the game will be pleased to learn that there will also be dedicated servers finally implemented into the game. Hopefully this will curb some of the internet based problems that plays have had in the past including latency, and forced synchronization when a player leaves the match. Another thing they fixed was balancing of heroes. Kensei, Conqueror, Highlander, Berserker, and Nobushi are all getting getting gameplay updates. Kensei and Conqueror are getting new move sets and animations to their kit, while Highlander, Berserker and Nobushi will receive balancing updates. 

Lastly they are implementing a new training system into the game that will allow players new and old refine their skills outside of the main game. The Apprentice Trials and The Warriors Trials Modes will allow new players to engage in a narative based learning system similar to before. Returning players will have the opportunity to visit the Arena Mode where they can face other specific heroes to get better at facing them on the battlefield.

“Following our launch in February 2017, our team was focused on building on the initial experience by adding new heroes, modes and continuous gameplay updates,” said Damien Kieken, Game Director “For the beginning of 2018, we want to focus on the core experience and address player feedback by prioritising online stability and hero balancing.”

These updates and more can be found in the trailer here:

As someone who played during the beta and a little during the initial release of the game these changes seem very inviting and will definitely have me trying the game again. Are you excited for the release of the new season? Or will the video above convince you to give the game a try? 

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