Sneaky Zebra Shows Off Some Serious BlizzCon Cosplay Goodness


We had the great fortune of meeting the awesome dudes of Sneaky Zebra back at Fantasy Con 2014. Since then, when I know they've been to a convention, I wait for their cosplay video to come out, because I know it is going to be one of the best. Well thanks to Microsoft they were shipped from their cloudy home in the UK to sunny Anaheim, California for BlizzCon 2015. The cosplay at BlizzCon is always on a totally unique level. The crazy amount of detail put into even the tiniest parts of armor pieces and weapons is insane! Thanks to Sneaky Z for sending this great new video to us. Once you're done watching this one, check out their full library if you like great cosplay.

We had the chance to get to Blizzcon 2015 and film with some next level cosplays! Featuring all sorts of impressive armour builds, costumes and even 3D printing that put us in awe by the level of skill, craftsmanship and passion from everyone who attend Blizzcon in the Anaheim Convention Center.

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