Survive Sentient Evil Puppets In VR Horror Game HELLO PUPPETS!

In the same manner as many titles that launch exclusively on PC VR, especially when launching specifically on the Oculus platform only, Hello Puppets! by Otherworld Interactive has gone unseen for too long. This title brings an interesting design, mixes it with a silly concept, and throws it all together in a horror setting complete with an abandoned building.

With hopes of bringing their shut down show back on the air in order to take over the world, evil puppets have been taking control of curious victims in their efforts to resume production. As an investigative journalist who has heard of homeless people going missing from the abandoned building where a once-airing cute puppet show was filmed, you go to check it out only to find yourself as the next curious victim. Will you be able to escape or will you end up being another pawn in their progress toward re-production?

Honestly, silly plots with dark themes are some of the better titles that launch these days. At least in my opinion that’s the case. It lowers your guard just to bring it back up while presenting challenges to overcome through your journey. Hello Puppets! launched back on Dec. 12, 2019 yet hasn’t received a ton of attention yet. While I believe it may be a platform restriction issue and I hope to see this eventually brought over to PSVR so I can give it a playthrough myself, the trailer alone didn’t get enough attention either. Check out the official trailer for this cutesy horror game and see what you think of it yourself: