CONAN EXILES Removes Schlongs From Xbox One Version Per Microsoft Request

There are two things I know about Conan Exiles:

  1. It's one of those early access games that people are afraid to support as it falls into a category where the game is never really finished.
  2. You can make incredibly massive or small penises on your character via the customization.

Warning this video is NSFW and should be started around 3:37...

Per Microsoft request, the Conan Exiles creators will be removing the "endowment slider," from the game when it comes to Xbox One. The developers note that breasts are still on the table for women, but that has not been confirmed either. 

This isn't the first time weiners have fallen to the wayside in Conan Exiles, as the Japanese version of the game flat out bans any penis in gaming. I'm no stranger to the weird nudity laws of America, so I understand why it's happening...but in the famous words of The Office's Creed Bratton...