Cool Video Shows What Happens Beyond The Screen In MORTAL KOMBAT

Have you ever wanted to see a close up of background graphics in games? Perhaps you wanted to see the path an unreachable object or animal takes to create a visual effect in the game. Well now you can follow along with a YouTuber, Shesez, as he traverses through multiple games using his Magic Camera device.

The magic camera allows him to take the camera anywhere he wants, moving freely around the game layout. He has gone through games such as: Super Smash Bros Brawl, multiple different games from the Mario series, Sonic Adventures, StarFox 64, F-Zero, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Resident Evil 4 and much more!

His most recent video is the first to receive a "Part 2" in his series of Boundary Break videos. This game is Mortal Kombat, released in 2011. He goes through the different maps, lets you see all the tiny details and go behind the scenes to see the virtual environment.

Here is his latest Boundary Break - Mortal Kombat Part 2