Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred Will Spread On October 8th for All Platforms

We got the cinematic trailer for Diablo IV first expansion, Vessel of Hatred. It will feature a new class named Spiritborn. Full details on the class will be revealed on July 18th but these heroes are best suited for the jungle. In addition, the game is also adding pets that will help pick up gold and materials for you along the way, with a free pet readily available as of today by logging into the game.

The cinematic trailer definitely goes hard when it comes to delivering a memorable presentation. Looking like something straight out of Hellblade, the dark trailer really does make sure you will remember it for future shows.

The full expansion is set for release on October 8th for the PC, Xbox Series, and PS5 with the expansion looking very promising for fans who are still playing the new dungeon crawler.

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