MASS EFFECT 4-D Theme Park Attraction Coming in 2016

Last month Disney announced that they are bringing a fully immersive Star Wars land to their Disneyland and Disney World parks. Well, Santa Clara's California's Great America theme park isn't going to let them be the only ones with a rad sci-fi setting for super geeks. They are currently working in tandem with EA Games to bring a 4-D holographic attraction to their park, scheduled to come out sometime in 2016.

The motion simulator holographic movie, akin to Star Tours, will be located in the Action Theater. A live actor will be on the ride with you to interact seamlessly with the environment and guide you through a slew of various immersive adventures, including what sounds like facing down a Reaper. While I had never actually heard about California's Great America until now, I may just have to get myself over to the Bay Area to take this bad boy for a spin! I love the Mass Effect series and can't wait to see where we go next!

Source: Polygon

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