MOSAIC Releasing As Part Of Apple Arcade

Atmospheric indie games are a delight, and Krillbite Studios has demonstrated that they’re capable of creating critically-praised games that shouldn’t be missed. Among the Sleep was a first-person horror adventure that made children’s nightmares come alive on your screen.

Mosaic, their next project, is quite a bit different. You play as a dull, average commuter who begins to encounter strange things. Think The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with the color palette of the indie hit Inside. Small studios have been able to produce some spectacular games, and Mosaic looks like it can live up to the success of the studio’s first offering.

They’ve even decided to reference their addicting Blip Blop game in one of the trailers for Mosaic. Some of those principles that Krillbite Studios mocked in their mobile game, like mindlessness and vacuity, seem to be central to the thematic focus of Mosaic. Apple Arcade subscribers are fortunate that the tech giant was able to acquire this hotly-anticipated indie game.

We first reported on Mosaic back in 2016, and now it’s finally here.