SOMETHING COOL: PNY Has Everything All Nintendo Switch Owners Need... More Memory!

Samples Provided by PNY

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll never have enough storage space for your downloadable games on the Nintendo Switch. There are so many good games on the eShop, and having to keep some on the back-burner until it’s time to download them can be a big pain.

Luckily, PNY has everything that you’d need in order to never be without enough storage space on your Switch. In the past, we’ve tried out their 512GB PRO Elite Class 10 U3 V30 microSDXC Flash Memory Card and loved all of the great space for downloads and its speeds for getting them onto itself.

Right now we’ve got two of their Elite-X Class 10 U3 V30 microSD Flash Memory Cards, 64GB ($11.99 MSRP) and 128GB ($24.99 MSRP) and have loved every minute of them. Though these are A1 rated as opposed to A2 like the PRO Elite Class, they’re still perfect for a Nintendo Switch and you won’t have to worry about any kind of difference in performance.

As always, the microSD cards are extremely easy to get set up on the Switch as you just have to pop it in and get started downloading games. There’s no need to format them, partition them, or hassle with anything else before getting your games queued up. It’s very user-friendly.


  • Up to 100MB/s read speed

  • Class 10, U3, V30 performance for recording of 4K Ultra HD videos at 4096x3072 pix as well as 60 and 120 FPS

  • A1 (App 1) performance allows for apps to run faster from microSD card, saving space on smartphone or tablet memory

  • Ideal for smartphones, tablets, action cameras, 360o cameras, drones, dash cameras, camcorders, computers, and laptops

  • Store and transfer high-resolution videos, photos, music, files, documents, and more. Included SD adapter for compatibility with SDHC devices

After having used these cards for a bit now, I’m extremely satisfied with their performance and quality. These are for sure going to be dependable cards that I will most definitely be using for the foreseeable future as I continue to grow my Nintendo Switch digital library. I also really like their color scheme. It’s just cool.

If you want to check them out for yourself, be sure to head to the official PNY site or Amazon to learn more!