THE SIMS 4: Changes on the Horizon

During the latest Maxis Monthly Livestream, the team dropped some big news for The Sims 4 that has many people excited and apprehensive at the same time. First off is a sort of re-branding that is changing the main menu, pack art, load screen, and even the ever-present plumbob. Set for release on the 16th of July, this coming week will bring some surprising changes that avid sims fans are sure to enjoy.

The most notable change or enhancement is the unlocking of over 1000 build mode items, all of which are accessible by using the unlock cheat code (bb.showliveeditobjects). There is one caveat with this announcement, which is for the over 1000 items, you have to have all of the packs. It is worth pointing out that for any pack you do own, you will be able to unlock all of the items that you previously did not have access to. 

The other big announcement is a change to how you are going to create your future sims. Soon you will be prompted to answer a series of questions that will help define your Sim that will help determine skills, wealth, profession, aspiration and traits. This helps for quickly building out a new cast of characters with a fun interactive experience, or for live streamers, a fun way to have the community engage with the creation process. It is worth noting, that the story mode will not pick the look of the character, and that you will still have control over that aspect. 

I am excited for much of the new content and am hopeful that the themes and brighter pallets of the redesign are all indications of a very bright future for The Sims 4. If you missed the announcement, check out the link below to catch yourself up and prepare for some great building decorations to spruce up your world.

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