I was coasting around some Facebook cosplay groups today, and happened upon a page called Henchmen Studios. Sorting through some of their latest cosplays, I discovered a World of Warcraft one where Bubbles Cosplay and Snowdinson Cosplay were dressed as Alleria Windrunner and High Exarch Turalyon respectively.
Besides the fact that these suits are absolutely amazing, I discovered that Henchmen Studios had consulted with Blizzard to construct these beautiful sets of armor. Ten people worked a month to complete them, hand-crafting them before applying urethane resin, epoxy, and fiberglass. They even have a video showing how it was made.
This is an amazing achievement and I only wish they had taken a few more shots for us to enjoy. This is one of the most spectacular cosplay suits I have seen, barring the Tomb Raider one I posted about recently. Did you see those Alleria eyes?? So stunning, yet terrifying at the same time. Imagine you walked up to her at a cosplay event with those eyes staring right into your soul.
I also half wonder what they do with these suits when they are done parading for shoots and events. Walk into a bar and start a fight with an orcish bloke? What did you think of the suits? If you could have Blizzard design a cosplay suit for you, which would you go for? (Ultimate mage suit from Diablo 3 for me). Let me know your thoughts in the comments.