Xbox owners can return to the Oldest House today in the first expansion to Remedy’s Control. In “The Foundation” DLC, players will get to explore the sub-levels of the Oldest House in an effort to locate Head of Operations, Helen Marshall, and to stop the Astral Plane from consuming everything. during the new 4-5 hours of gameplay players will gain access to new weapons and powers to help them along their journey. So get your Service Weapon ready and jump back into the craziness of Control today! “The Foundation” is now available on Xbox One for $14.99.
CONTROL's First DLC Expansion "The Foundation" Is Now Available On Xbox One

Ryan Engstrom —
Ryan started out playing games on his fathers Atari 2600 and has been playing games ever since. Favorite franchises include Command & Conquer, Ace Combat, Metal Gear and Halo. Ryan likes to keep up with all current and retro gaming news and trends. You can follow Ryan on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.