L.A. NOIRE Spiritual Successor WHORE OF THE ORIENT Is Dead

Whore of the Orient, a game that was meant to be a spiritual successor to L.A. Noire will likely never see a release. The news comes from the game's producer Derek Proud who spoke with the Gamehugs podcast about the game. From what he said it would appear that Team Bondi (who made the original L.A. Noire) had the project abandoned by the company that now owned them after 3 years of work.

If you remember your video game history, there was a huge controversy around L.A. Noire around the time of its release as Team Bondi members reported Rockstar was making them work excessive hours to complete the game on time.

I had no idea this game was even a thing (or I did in 2013 and forgot) but I did love playing L.A. Noire! It's a shame well never get to see a sequel, spiritual or otherwise. There was some game footage leaked to the Internet a couple years back and it looked pretty cool! Check it out below!