MAFIA DEFINITIVE EDITION’S Lost Heaven Takes Center Stage

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Things may look a little different in Lost Heaven since you visited in 2002, but it looks to be for the better. Some pretty cool details about the remade city that Mafia Definitive Edition takes place in broke Wednesday, which fleshes out exactly what’s been done to improve it. The developers used the geometry of the original game as a blueprint when constructing the new Lost Heaven we will come to know in September. They assure us that the memorable mission locations are still here, as well as most of the Countryside area which resides north of the city.

There is an emphasis on making the city resemble a more realistic depiction of what it would’ve actually looked like during the 20s and 30s. The topography of terrain has been updated to include more awe-inspiring vistas of the city skyline that they’ve worked so hard on. They’ve also gone above and beyond to make each district in the city look unique from each other both day or night. Chinatown has gotten a welcomed upgrade in its own right, as they’ve made sure to show a proper representation of the Chinese communities’ population during that era.

The developers have also tracked players’ driving routes using a heatmap in order to see what roads needed to be utilized more. Because of this, players will have a more organic experience whether you’re free-roaming around the city or completing missions. Another thing that you won’t really see too often in open world games now, is loading screens or invisible walls around the city. Back in 2002 the original game had these but the developers say not to worry, as those have been removed. Thank goodness!

Mafia Definitive Edition comes out on September 25th and will be playable on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and Epic.