Photo: Netflix via Twitter @NXOnNetflix
[If you haven’t watched or finished the eight episodes of The Witcher, then the graphic above may contain spoilers."]
Were you confused when watching the first season of Netflix’s The Witcher? Don’t worry, you weren’t alone.
Thanks to @NXOnNetflix, though, there is finally a clear timeline of the events from the fantasy epic. The graphic showcases over 50 years of history with clear markers for Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri. And the markers for the eight episodes demonstrate just how much the series jumped around through the chronology.
At the beginning of the timeline, Yennefer attends training at Aretuza. The middle of the chronology features much of Geralt’s travels, including his time with Jaskier and his encounters with Yennefer. At the very end of the spectrum, in the present, all of the events with Cintra and the young princess Ciri are clustered together.
If you’ve watched the entire series, then this timeline might help straighten out any lingering questions. If you’re in the middle of the show, and not sure what’s happening or when, then hopefully the graphic can help sort things out. And if you haven’t watched The Witcher at all, then understand that the story leaps between different points in history.
That’s settled, then.
Now if we can just get “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” out of our heads…