PLANETSIDE 2 Launches Escalation, The Largest Update In The Game's History

Today, Rouge Planet Games announced that Planetside 2 would be receiving its largest update since the game’s launch in 2012, “Escalation”. Available today, the update introduces a ton of new features into the MMOFPS, including Outfit Wars, an expansive War Assets system for dedicated Outfits, the cross-empire Sanctuary Social Hub, and the looming Bastion Fleet Carrier.

You can check out the trailer for the “Escalation” update above.

Escalation’s biggest addition is Outfit Wars, a new end-game experience for long-time players. Players will have the chance to qualify for monthly GvGvG tournaments that will take place on the new “Desolation” asteroid map. The new War Asset system will also allow guilds to collect resources, and craft new assets.

These new assets include:

  • Bastion Fleet Carrier: This massive interplanetary fleet carrier features mannable turrets, ship-mounted artillery cannons, an interceptor launch platform, and mobile vehicle respawn points.

  • Steel Rain: A coordinated platoon drop pod assault onto a target location.

  • Citadel Shield: A sturdy projectile-blocking bubble shield the size of a small outpost.

  • A.N.V.I.L.: Airdrop a ground vehicle of your choice on demand.

  • Orbital Satellite Uplink: Radio in an Orbital Strike anywhere on the battlefield.

The Escalation update will also introduce a new Outfit Loyalty system for players to earn and spend communal merit, and the Sanctuary Zone, a new social hub where players from all sides can trade, recruit, and relax outside of combat.

For more information regarding the new update, you can visit the official game website.