STAR CITIZEN: SQUADRON 42 Behind the Scenes Video with Gillian Anderson

The ever-growing space epic that is Star Citizen has seen a pretty star-studded cast. With the likes of Gary Oldman and Mark Hamill on the performance capture stage, it's important to pull in a supporting cast that is equally as talented and beloved by geeks. Cloud Imperium Games released an interview with X-Files' most beloved female agent talking about her work on set. Gillian Anderson talks about what it is like working in the mo-cap suits, and how humbling it is to be wearing the ridiculous get-up alongside greats like Oldman. As more and more big name stars cross over into the performance capture world, it makes you wonder what is next for this means of artistic expression. Perhaps we will start seeing some Academy Award kind of love for those willing to don the suits with dots.

Go Behind the Scenes of the making of Squadron 42 with a look at Captain Maclaren, played by Gillian Anderson. Roberts Space Industries is a spacecraft manufacturer within the persistent-world game "Star Citizen" and its companion single-player spaceflight sim, "Squadron 42."

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