New Trailer For TWISTED METAL's TV Series May Be An Instant Show Killer!

During the Summer Game Fest, we got our first look into the Twisted Metal TV show that is going to be aired on Peacock. This trailer showed a fight between Sweet Tooth, voiced by Will Arnett and bodied by Samoa Joe, and John Doe, played by Anthony Mackie. This fight gives a glimpse into the comedy and action style viewers can expect from the show - and that’s a problem!

The entire fight is done in person, with no vehicles around, and the worst part of the clip is they actually drop the line “any chance we can get this back in the cars,” which is quite literally what the majority of the viewers had to have been thinking. Anybody who has played any Twisted Metal game knows that all of the combat is done through vehicle combat. I’m not sure why they thought this would be a good first clip to show off the series. I hope that most of the show ends up being in vehicles and this clip was a one-off scene that was poorly chosen to be used as a reveal.

Unfortunately, this has turned away a lot of interested viewers that were anticipating the release of the show. Now, the audience for this show is those who haven’t seen this clip and those who are still willing to give it a chance once it is out. There still isn’t a release date for the Twisted Metal TV Series, but after watching this clip, I doubt anybody is sitting on the edge of their seating in anticipation to load this one up anymore.