Puzzle Game TEMPUS Makes Its Way Onto Console This Week

After releasing their puzzle game on Steam earlier this year and being met with a successful response from their players, K148 Game Studio teamed up with publisher JanduSoft to launch Tempus on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. In fact, it will be hitting all current and next-gen platforms on October 20th, so the wait to play through a new level escape puzzle game on console is almost over!

In this game, players go on a journey through time, in which each time they advance, they will see how the island where they live changes over thousands of years. Given they can only travel forward so it's a one-way trip. Each year they land on will be met with plenty more puzzles to solve. That is, until one night everything changes. A blinding light appears along with a thunderous sound only to disappear revealing a portal.

PC players have already seen what is beyond the portal in Tempus. Will you when it comes to your console of choice later this week?