Quick Reviews: WAYFINDER Rules And UNKNOWN 9 Should Have Stayed Unknown

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I love finding hidden gems and while the road has been rocky and Wayfinder has gotten some press, it’s been a bit lost in an extremely busy gaming season. Well, stop playin’ what yer playin’ and get playin’ some Wayfinder! No really, it’s that good. It’s an ARPG that used to be an MMO by Airship Syndicate, some of the best artists around. Not only is the gameplay fun and super solid, but it’s also got some of the best art, animation, sound, and music for a game under $50. Yeah, it is still a work in progress but the devs are just rock solid. Watch the trailer, then go buy it.




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Errr, hmm, not really sure how this game got greenlit in such an extremely busy and competitive market. Yes, it has some redeeming qualities like a solid story and some jaw-dropping environments but honestly, this feels like a PS3 game that got time warped to 2024. It’s very odd and while I appreciate the efforts and recognize its strengths, it’s just very hard to recommend such an odd game when there are so many other better ones out there. It’s just not very fun to play.

Skip unless you watch the trailer and don’t have enough to play already.