Cards Against Humanity is the “game for horrible people” and it looks like it wants to dig deeper into some of the darker areas of our childhoods. Some posts detailing some of the new cards were put on Facebook before quickly being deleted. However, fans were able to screenshot the posts before so we can take a look at what very well could be the next expansion: Disney. This is one Disney themed game that you won’t want to play with your little brother or sister though.
For those that haven’t played Cards Against Humanity, it is similar to the popular (more family friendly) game Apples to Apples. One person puts down a question in the form of a black card and the other players put down white cards to fill in the blank or answer the question. The judge then picks a winner and play continues until someone has a set number of cards or everyone is passed out.
Courtesy of chezrep_ww on Instagram
One of my favorite of the black cards is, “Thanks to Disney, I have unrealistic expectations about ___.” While a new, white card states, “unreasonably laying claim over everything the light touches.” Check out some of the other rumored cards that fans were able to screen cap.
Courtesy of chezrep_ww on Instagram