You Can Soon Upload Custom Gamer Pics To Xbox...So Please Don't Show The World Your Wiener

After an insanely long wait, one of Xbox One's most requested features is finally coming to the platform. Players will soon be able to put up a custom picture for their Xbox One update as well as some other neat stuff. Check out the full list and continue on below: 

  • Upload custom Gamerpics to your Xbox profile; choose how you want to express yourself.
  • Mixer co-streaming is now on console, for everyone: with just a few clicks, you and up to three of your friends can stream together in a single broadcast. Plus, never miss your friends' streams inside your Club and Arena Tournaments.
  • Sign-in to your Xbox One with just one press of the Xbox button on your controller. Now you can make your controller truly your own.
  • New user-generated tournaments for Killer Instinct on Xbox One means it's never been easier to go battle with your friends.

Undoubtedly, there's someone reading this right now all too excited to upload a picture of their junk and throw it up as their profile pic. Why? Who knows what goes on in the minds of these sad individuals, but I can tell you right now it's going to happen. My only hope is that Microsoft is quick to ban these individuals and we don't have to see too many wieners when this bad boy rolls out. Are you excited for the new update? 

Source: Destructoid