Why Creating Characters in BLACK DESERT ONLINE Rocks

One phrase that gives me pause more than any in this industry is "MMO with amazing graphics!" - Yes, we all want it and by golly, we've seen some pretty entries into the genre as of late. That being said, "amazing graphics" usually doesn't coincide with amazing gameplay or mechanics. Regardless, when I had the chance to jump into the closed beta of the upcoming Black Desert Online, I didn't hesitate. I ain't stupid peeps!  First off, my was plan was to quickly create a random character and jump right into the action. My plan was almost instantly foiled..

Holy F%#!  Look at that work of art. Yep, that's the Ranger class inside the character creator of the game. I was instantly blown away at the detail and quality of the not only the graphical aspects but the polished and endless array of options inside said creator. Want to change the lighting from sunny, to cloudy or a dark side light? Check. How about every curvature of the body? Done. I made some grotesque looking characters but the beautiful creations really stand out.

Ok, ok you politically correct, ravenous beasts, I'll include a male character I created below so you don't throw me to the sexist wolves out there. Back to the creator, from height, weight, shape, curve, angle, clothing, etc, you have complete control of the look of your character. It truly was like a game in itself playing with models, materials, and tools of such high quality. So, how do the characters look in game? Absolutely stunning so, stay tuned on more coverage of the gameplay and environments soon. For now, I might just go fill up the rest of my character slots..

You can check out more of the game on the official website here.